Maramureș County
A region in northern Romania renowned for its picturesque villages, wooden churches, and the UNESCO-listed Merry Cemetery in Săpânța.
Maramureș County Guides
Beautiful and Unique Cemeteries in Europe
michele (Michele Humeston)Roaming Romania - from Bucharest to Transylvania
michele (Michele Humeston) Romanian Proverb - Nu contează cât de încet mergi, atâta timp cât nu te oprești – It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.World Heritage Sites in Europe
seeker (Seeker Editors) Throughout the vast continent of Europe, there are endless adventures to uncover. Here is a collection of the most awe-inspiring World Heritage sites across Europe, including mesmerizing landmarks, bustling cities, and gorgeous natural landscapes. Uncover some of the most mysterious and beautiful travel destinations on the planet with this bucket-list-worthy selection.