France Île-de-France Paris

Rock Hair

  • 7 Boulevard Beaumarchais
  • 01 42 77 01 97

Tips from the community

After a queer haircut in Paris? Look no further than ROCK HAIR. The salon now has a few locations open in Paris, but its most prominent (and queer) has to be the one between Place de Bastille and Place des Vosges. ROCK HAIR is one of the hippest joints in Paris and no hair style is off the mark. It’s super queer, super inclusive, and super fun.

fenderqueer 3 years ago

Rock Hair Articles

  • Your Ultimate Guide to Queer Paris

    Look, traveling is hard. But traveling solo as a queer person? Even harder. For all the gay travel sites and guides out there, there’s a heavy focus on cis-men. But what about the women, the trans folk, and the non-binary? We travel too, but it’s hard to find reliable information about inclusive, queer spots to […]